August 2023 update
Although at present we’re unable to raise a glass in the White Horse, there will be a fantastic range of beers on offer a mere stone’s throw away at the Stonesfield Septembeerfest on the 9th September at the village Playing Field. We’re looking forward to meeting many of you there and updating you about the campaign. Our limited edition T-shirts will also be on sale!
Since our last update we have heard second-hand that the pub may be taken off the market again, so we have contacted Mr Bowers to reiterate that our own fully-funded offer still stands and that we strongly object to any development of the plot.
Aunt What?
Did you know that ten of the 170 UK pubs thriving under community management can be found in our own county of Oxfordshire? One of these, The White House, can be found in the nearby village of Bladon and features in the CAMRA (Campaign for Real Ale) good beer guide. A glance at the pub’s website shows a healthy diary of activities - including a regular slot for their Aunt Sally teams. If you’re from outside Oxfordshire and mystified by this reference, I encourage you to find out more about this fascinating traditional pub sport, which is played mainly in and around our county. Simple to play but difficult to master, matches were held at our own pub The White Horse.
As always, we thank you again for your support. We are delighted that the local, national and international support for our campaign remains as strong as ever, and we look forward to a successful outcome in the future
A game of Aunt Sally in progress