A buzz of anticipation

There’s a real buzz of anticipation about the White Horse at the moment. We’re working towards a full reopening of the pub and are finalising the details of the tenancy agreement with our new tenant Craig and his business partner Barbara. The temporary cellar has been created with air conditioning installed and the garden is looking fantastic.

During May the pub is serving as a pop-up venue for Oxfordshire Artweeks, and we’ve had many visitors enjoying cake, soup and a drink while they browse the fantastic local artwork that’s on display.

Thank you to everyone who has helped in any way with the recent efforts. There are so many, but to name a few there’s the Upholstery Club the Gardening Club, electricians, blacksmiths, painters, cleaners, bakers… the list is absolutely huge and we’re indebted to you all.

Don’t forget our Annual General Meeting, which will be held at the Stonesfield Village Hall, Field Close, Stonesfield, Witney OX29 8HA on Monday 20 May at 8pm.

On the international front we recently extended a big Stonesfield welcome to Professor Steve Kibler and his group of architecture students from the Illinois Institute of Technology, who came to the pub to study its architecture. Steve is a shareholder, and the White Horse offers a great opportunity to introduce his students to a building that’s maybe a bit less regular in shape and structure than they encounter in the US!

It was also great to welcome the Wednesday Pub Quiz back as a pop-up event for two weeks recently - for the first time the quiz has been back at the pub since 2020! When the pub reopens we're planning to alternate the quiz between the White Horse and the Stonesfield Sports & Social Club and hope you'll join us at both venues. The club have been kindly hosting the quiz (thank you Ben Tomlin!) since Covid restrictions were eased.

Looking forward to announcing a potential reopening date very soon.

Below, clockwise from top left: New garden gate, Artweeks pictures, the pub quiz, Garden table building, barstool and bar refurbishment, Steve Kibler and his students.


Meet Craig and Barbara


The White Horse is hiring!